UMPR Open Recruitment for Educators – BeritaKalteng.Com

NEWS ALTENG. com – Palangka Raya – Palangka Raya Muhammadiyah University (UMPR) opens career opportunities for teaching staff or lecturer recruitment in 2024.
The recruitment of teaching staff is nothing more than an effort to continue to advance and improve the quality of education in Central Kalimantan (Central Kalimantan).
Registration for lecturer recruitment opens on April 1 2024 next month with qualifications namely the Bachelor of Physiotherapy study program, Bachelor of Nutrition study program,
Bachelor of Public Health study program; the D4 Health Information Management study program, as well as the D4 Anesthesiology Nursing study program.
For those who are interested, they are asked to prepare administrative requirements, including, scanned KTP, scan of diplomas and grade transcripts, scan of specialist diplomas (for doctors), CV, and other supporting certificates (if any).
For further information, applicants can contact the Apt contact person. Guntur Satrio Pratomo, S.Farm., M.Si (0821 5139 9963) and Novianto Eko Wibowo.S.Sos., MAP
(0821 4833 5127).(Njel)