Deloitte Campus Recruitment | Prasetya UB » Prasetya UB
The FEB UB Accounting Department hosted a recruitment event organized by the well-known company, Deloitte, Wednesday (21/2/2024). This activity is the umpteenth time the FEB UB Accounting Department has held it in collaboration with Deloitte.
The event began with remarks from Yeney W. Prihatiningtias, SE., MSA., PhD., Ak., who serves as Chair of the Accounting Department, FEB UB. In his speech, he explained the aims and hopes of this activity.
“This activity aims to provide information about Deloitte’s company profile as one of the largest public accounting firms in Indonesia or the Big Four KAP. Apart from that, the aim of this activity is to recruit graduates of the FEB Accounting Department because they are considered very good and very ready to work as accountants or auditors. “I also hope that academic collaboration with Deloitte will continue and develop,” he said.
Representative from Human Resources Deloitte Company Shelly Suryadi presented material about Deloitte’s company profile, service line at Deloitte, and the recruitment process at Deloitte
The activity also included an introduction to the company profile by representatives from the Deloitte HR team, followed by an explanation of the rules and test stages that would be carried out as part of the Deloitte recruitment process.
FEB students then take a series of tests as part of the recruitment process to join Deloitte Company. This activity provides a valuable opportunity for students to gain insight into the careers they dream of. It is also hoped that this event can become a platform for students to hear views from experts and practitioners in the financial industry [sha,2024/OKY/Humas UB].