BRI Opens BRILiaN Marketing Specialist Vacancies, Register at, Jakarta The Ministry of Manpower (Kemnaker) is again sharing the latest job opportunities, this time at the state-owned company, PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero).
The latest job vacancies at PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) are published by the Ministry of Manpower via its official Instagram account, @Kemnaker.
“PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) @bankbri_id opens the opportunity for Reanaker to join the BRILiaN Marketing Specialist Program (BMSP),” wrote the Ministry of Manpower on Instagram, quoted Wednesday (7/2/2024).
BRI opens up opportunities for BRILiaN Marketing Specialist, Program (BMSP) vacancies for RM Small and Medium Business & RM Priority. Registration for this vacancy is open until February 11, 2024.
Fresh Graduate Qualifications
The following are the qualifications for new graduate candidates in the BRILiaN Marketing Specialist vacancy:
- Bachelor’s degree from University/College with min GPA 3.00 (scale 4).
- Maximum age 25 years (not yet turning 26 on February 12 2024).
- Have an A/C SIM.
- Willing to be placed in all BRI Work Units
Work Experience Qualifications
The qualifications for candidates with work experience are as follows:
- S.1 education from University/College with GPA min. 2.75 (scale 4)
- Maximum age 35 years (not yet turning 36 on February 12 2024).
- Have a minimum of 2 years work experience in the banking sector relevant to the intended position.
- Have A/C driving license.
- Willing to be placed in all BRI Work Units
Further information regarding registering for vacancies at BRI can be accessed via the official page or by scanning the existing QR code.
The Ministry of Manpower also reminds us that during the registration and selection process, Reanaker is not charged any fees.